Wednesday, September 14, 2016

But what about SECOND Paint Season?? - Colorado Springs Painting in the Fall

Colorado Springs: Here comes second paint season!!

If you've been meaning to get around to getting your house painted this year, and never had time to get that paint estimate, there's still time!

Modern technology in paint allows us to keep applying beautiful, long-lasting paint jobs to houses all the way up until almost Christmas time. If the air is at least 45 degrees--no problem! And even though these last couple of mornings have been a little chilly, we're going to have beautiful weather for quite a while into the Holiday season...

We're going into what we call 'second paint season'. If you haven't gotten around to obtaining a paint estimate yet, give us a call. There's plenty of time. 

(719) 434-2435

Here are some examples of exterior paint jobs we've done here in Colorado Springs, Monument, Woodland Park, and surrounding areas:

(Click on the links below to see the portfolio page)


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